Kevin and Melissa were married over Memorial Day weekend. It was fun to be back in Cherokee and see so many people, even if for such a short time. Abe got to meet lots of family and friends. He spent the whole weekend being passed from one person to the next, and we’d have to hunt him down when we wanted him back.
Here are Uncle Kevin and Auntie M meeting the little man for the first time.
Dad finally got to hold him, too. We set Dad up with a computer, his first, while we were home, so now he can check in on Abe via video chat whenever he wants.
And Mom got her Abe fix, too.
It was a small ceremony and we had a lot of fun. Weddings shouldn’t be high stress.
It was a busy weekend, but we found some time to relax out at the Grainery.
Abe did his best to inspire fatherhood in at least one newlywed.
He is a pretty inspirational figure.