The holidays and afterwards

Posted January 16th, 2011 by Jeff

Holiday prep this year included a head cold for me, which took the spirit of the season a bit too literally, and just kept on giving.  Before it was all over, Abe had his first cold and Sarah and I were down for a couple of weeks.

Abe napping on Sarah's lap.
...just settled down for a long winter's nap.

Christmas wasn’t Abe’s first, but it may as well have been.  It felt new to Sarah and I, too, sneaking around the night before, getting all the presents and stockings ready, knowing how excited he’d be the next morning.

Our decorated Christmas tree

Jeff reading Abe one of his gift books on Christmas morning
A calm moment amid the Christmas morning chaos

New Year’s took us back to Iowa for Mom’s 60th birthday extravaganza, which turned into a de facto family and friends reunion.  Abraham was thrilled to see his cousins again and Sarah and I made the most of a short visit, playing catch up with as many people as we could.

It's a good thing he's only 21 months old, or he'd be in jail.
Did I ever tell you about the time...
Abe and Ben wearing their matching Star Wars shirts.
Never underestimate the power of a retro Star Wars shirt.

People came from far and wide for the party, which featured a chili cook-off and went for most of the day.  If I had to guess, I’d say Mom enjoyed having everyone under one roof for a few hours.

Mom with Benjamin, Emily, and Abraham.
Ben, Em, and Abe time.

Once back in the seclusion that only this part of West Virginia can offer, we were able to relax a bit.  Sarah and Abe got some sledding in and I had some surgery.  I’m pretty sure that’s payback for something.

Sarah and Abe on a downward slide.
Introducing Abe to everyone's most cringe-inducing childhood memory.

Thanks to everyone who helped make Abe’s, essentially, first Christmas a big one.  He’d tell you himself, but he’s sleeping.  You’ll have to settle for this big, cheesy, heartfelt smile.

Abraham wearing Sarah's sunglasses.
Still waiting for his own sunglasses.