Since our last post Abe’s sprouted a tooth, spikes, and a tail.
Thanks for the homemade costume Auntie M!
Of course, no first tooth would be complete without a variety of first foods.
A couple of weeks ago, Jeff decided he needed to take his ego down a notch, so Sarah and Abe humored him by accompanying him to Fayetteville, WV for his first bike race in twelve years. His plan backfired when he won the race!
And Fayetteville being so close, we couldn’t resist visiting the New River Gorge Bridge, the day after Bridge Day.
Kevin and Melissa came down for Halloween and got to help Abe celebrate his seven-month birthday.
There was much hiking about, a Halloween costume contest, a trip to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, and a lot of Abe-gazing.
It’s hard to believe Abe’s seven months old, because it seems like we’ve had him a lot longer, and at the same time, it’s like he just got here.
I’m in love!