September Already

Posted September 3rd, 2010 by Sarah

Despite the long summer days, which are quickly disappearing, Abe goes to sleep before the sun sets. Once he is down, we usually veg and relax a bit before tackling the daily chores. Last night we spent a good part of the evening preparing and enjoying dinner. Fresh roasted tomato soup and grilled flatbread. Tomatoes courtesy of my supervisor, basil from a co-worker, and garlic from our garden. And you can never go wrong when adding large quantities of olive oil & butter.

We’ve been spending time at whatever pool we can get to.


Nana J and Grampy were down for a visit and we headed back to Abe’s favorite pool. He shrieked with excitement when he saw we had returned to the one with the big red slide.


Today is the 1st day it’s rained in what seems like a long time, and when it’s not sweltering, we’re outside.


Abe doesn’t exactly know how to self-propel on his bike, but that doesn’t stop him from suiting up, playing it safe, and loving it.


We had a great dinner at a coworker’s house, followed by cow viewing and rock throwing in to the creek. Who could ask for more?


One afternoon when it was too hot we went to the nearby Cranberry Nature Center, the closest thing to a zoo. Abe went wild looking at the bears, deer, otters, fox, and piles of lives snakes. I am sure we will become regulars.


And hard to believe it, but happy 17 months Abraham!
