This harbinger of fall paid us a visit early last month.
I’m actually not sure the praying mantis is a sign of anything, but it seems reasonable. Maybe a better sign that the summer’s just about had it is the county fair. Abe learned the difference between cows and heifers and also that he’s scared to death of goats. Keep that in mind the next time you visit.
Labor Day weekend was really our last chance to get one more night of camping in, and with three nights already under Abe’s belt, we thought it would be a piece of cake. The plan was for Sarah and Abraham to play on the beach at Lake Sherwood while I went for a quick ride. Then dinner and an early night in our four-person circus tent.
This photo does a wonderful job of illustrating what happened once we got to the tent part of the plan. Without any sleep, we finally packed up at about 1 am. To anyone we woke up that night, sorry about that.
September was a month for family. Dad’s memorial was difficult, but with the grief there was some joy.
Uncle Chris made it down to the WV to see the Abraham. And us, too, we think.
Down the road a piece is Huntersville, where they like to mark the beginning of fall with Tradition Days. Abe likes to mark it with biscuits, gravy, and cute. Sarah likes silly hats.
Between all the festivities and travel, Abraham’s still finding ways to keep himself amused.
And with that, Abraham says goodbye to summer and hello to fall.