Time flies

Posted March 10th, 2012 by Sarah

Life has been crazy busy these last few weeks, and with daylight savings coming, they’ll only get busier.  Our daffodils are in bloom, garlic is up, and I’m thinking about what I might plant when my parents visit in a few weeks.  Until then, we’ll enjoy the early arrival of spring.  Winter did visit unexpectedly last week, and Abe made the most of it.

Of course one of the best things about playing in the cold and snow is coming inside for hot chocolate and snacks.

Josie didn’t play outside in the snow, but she’s nonstop inside.





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In the dead of winter, on the brink of spring

Posted February 11th, 2012 by Sarah

So far this has been the winter that wasn’t.  The other morning Abe looked out and saw everything covered in frost, and said “white”.  Oh, if he only knew.  He now says white, as well as pretty much all the colors, his alphabet, and a couple of new words every day.  Some of his favorites phrases include “happy baby”, “not yet”, “hide daddy hide”, and any verb followed by “now…..please”.


It is hard to believe I’ve been back at work for over a month.  I have the best working mommy situation I could ever wish for.  Both kiddos go to bed pretty early so I have to cram all my fun in about an hour and a half span after work.  And while we’d like at least one good snowstorm, we’ve got plenty to keep us busy, snow or no snow.

Puzzle master Abe

Abe has graduated to a big boy bed, and Josie to a real crib.  To say that Abe loves his bed would be entirely accurate.  He also loves sharing it.

Josie had her four month check up yesterday.  Our little lady has doubled her weight and grown over five inches.






Posted January 16th, 2012 by Jeff

Josie in hysterics, some yummy soup, and an attentive big brother.

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